After 6 months there has been a lot of changes in the offering of Azure and Power BI. Those changes implies that my blogposts about connection Stream Analytics and Power BI (1 [] , 2 [] and 3 [
Note: see this article [] for some new insights. After the first two parts (1 [] , 2 [] ) now it is time to look at the code to push data to the event hub and process the data from the even
Note: see this article [] for some new insights. In part 1 [] I provided an overview of the given solution. And now it is time to configure Azure Service Bus, Event Hubs and Stream Analytics to be able to sent and receive messages. I still be using the ‘old’ Azure Management Portal as I
Note: see this article [] for some new insights. Since the beginning of this year a new version of Power BI has been release in preview and since half March this version is available worldwide. One new feature of this preview is that there is now an API [] to push data programmatically to Power BI. While pushing this data the dashboard based on the dataset is al
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